Psychedelic-Rock'n'roll: HE5 - Merry Christmas Psychedelic Album (RAW PSYCHEDELIA SOUTH KOREA 1969)

HE5 - Merry Christmas Psychedelic Album (RAW PSYCHEDELIA SOUTH KOREA 1969)


South Korea's He 5, in its later incarnation as He 6, offered some of the fuzziest, funkiest music to arise from Seoul's Psychedelic '70s. In "Merry Christmas Psychedelic Album" (Universal South Korea "THL-80") there are all Christmas songs, done in an instrumental, Garagey-Psychedelic fashion. But their cover of "Jingle Bells" morphs, about a minute and a half into the track, into a ten minute freak out cover of "In A Gadda Da Vida" and, after the drum break, wails into "Paint It Black".

He5 and He6 is a group from great Korean Rock guitarist "Kim Hong Tak". They were the most popular Korean Rock group at 1960-1970s. They played heavy and hard Psychedelic songs on live shows but they couldn't make this music style on albums because of record company's pressures. They gave them some discretionary power to have them created the results which they had on He5: "Merry Christmas Psychedelic Album" and He6 "Would you Go Go dance" with He6 "Vol.1" and "Vol.2" but most their fans couldn't understand the tracks of these albums so they were forced to change to a more popular music style.


Anonymous said...

This looks great but where the f*** are your links?

Thank you.


inspires121 said...

This is really stupid of me, but may I ask how you download?

mario williams said...

You Can Find This Album's Tracks On YOU-TUBE!

Psychedelic-Rocknroll said...

sorry. there are no download link, because it may cause the shutdown of my blog... said...

Hey guys, you can listen to it here:
Merry Xmess all around!